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The coinbase pro tax statement ultimate guide


 The coinbase pro tax statement ultimate guide!

in this post we will talk about  coinbase pro tax statement.

If you're looking to find out if coinbase pro has tax statements, then this is the article for you. In this post, I'll explain how to easily get a copy of your Coinbase Pro tax documents and review them for accuracy.

Does coinbase pro have tax statements?

Coinbase Pro tax statements are available online. They're also available in a .csv file and a .pdf file, as well as an Excel spreadsheet (which is the most comprehensive). If you'd like to see your Coinbase Pro tax statement directly from Coinbase itself, then you'll need their support team—they don't provide this type of information themselves.

The best way to get your Coinbase Pro tax statement is to contact their support team. They should be able to provide you with the information you need—just make sure that you're as specific as possible when explaining what you're looking for. Their customer service team is available 24/7 via email, phone, or Twitter.

If you’re looking for a more detailed breakdown of your Coinbase Pro tax statement and you don't see it in the .csv or .pdf files, then try contacting their support team.

coinbase pro tax statement.

The tax implications of using Coinbase Pro are different than those of using an exchange that connects you with an individual user. With Coinbase Pro, you're dealing with a large company and the IRS treats them as such. This means they'll send you a 1099 form each year if they think they owe any taxes on your trades — but it also means that if you use a taxable account (like the one I recommend), there's no need to worry about paying taxes on your gains or losses once they've been reported by the IRS!

Coinbase Pro has very low fees — especially when compared to other exchanges like Binance or Kucoin. The only fee you'll pay is a 0.25% trading fee (which is taken from the amount of your trade).

coinbase pro tax documents

If you’re looking for a tax report, Coinbase Pro will provide one when requested. The IRS has a certain amount of time to send out your earnings report, so be sure to submit your request early! A good way to get an idea of what information is on the documents is by looking at what we provide here:

When requesting this document from [Coinbase Pro], be sure that all required fields are filled out and marked appropriately (e.g., “yes” for each question). You can also check its status by clicking on “My Account” in the upper right corner of our website or app.

If you’re looking for a tax report, Coinbase Pro will provide one when requested. The IRS has a certain amount of time to send out your earnings report, so be sure to submit your request early!

How to get coinbase pro-tax documents

If you're a Coinbase Pro user, the process for getting your tax documents is much simpler than that of a non-pro user. First and foremost, you will need to import all of your transactions from the last year into a spreadsheet so that they can be downloaded as .csv files. You can do this by clicking on "View Details" next to any transaction and then selecting "Download," which will automatically open up another window in which all of the details are displayed.

Once you have all of this information downloaded into one place (and remember: if there are any gaps), it's time for us at [Coinbase]!

On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see a heading called "Accounts." Select this option, and then click on "Export" from within. This will open up a new window that displays all of the information about your account. From here, you can choose which specific transactions you want to export by clicking on each one and clicking "Download" (which will automatically open another window). Once you've selected all of the transactions that need to be exported, click on "File" in the top right corner and select "Save As."

In the file type drop-down menu, select "Microsoft Excel (.csv)" as your format. This will automatically open up another window that displays all of the information about your account. From here, you can choose which specific transactions you want to export by clicking on each one and clicking "Download."

How do I use the Coinbase Pro Tax?

You can download a .csv file for your transactions on Coinbase Pro.

Go to and click on "Download Report." If you're logged in, it will take you to the report page where you can download the CSV (comma-separated value) file of your transactions by clicking on "Download Now." Once it's downloaded, open up Excel or another spreadsheet program and import this CSV file into it:

  • Select File > Import > Comma Separated Values...

  • Click Browse... and choose where the CSV is located (i.e., where they saved it).

  • Click Open...

How do I download a .csv file for my transactions on Coinbase Pro?

If you’re using Coinbase Pro, the first step is to make sure you have a .csv file on your computer.

  • Go to your account settings.

  • Select “Accounts” from the sidebar menu (or click here).

  • Click “Download Export” under Settings > Transactions > Download CSV File or . CSV File Format: Choose CSV (Comma Separated Values) for best results if your data is comma-separated text and not just numbers/letters as most transactions are in Coinbase Pro. You can also use another file type like Excel if it makes sense for what kind of program(s) you use at home or work but keep in mind that some programs may not support these types of files well so they may cause problems when opening them up later on down the line when trying to extract information from those same files after downloading them onto their own computers via USB drives etcetera...

The next step is to open up the .csv file in a spreadsheet program. You can use any type of programs like Excel or Google Sheets but we recommend using Google Sheets because it’s free and it’s also a cloud-based service so you can access your data from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. The following steps will show you how to extract data from Coinbase Pro into Google Sheets.

Review that your transactions are accurate and generate a report for your accountant.

Review that your transactions are accurate and generate a report for your accountant.

You can use the Coinbase Pro-Tax, which makes it easy to import all of your transactions into TurboTax or TaxCaster on Mac and Windows. You can download a .csv file for your transactions on Coinbase Pro (you'll need to create an account) or download the entire CSV directly from there.

You can also use the Coinbase Pro Tax tool to import your transactions directly into TurboTax and TaxCaster.


If you are looking to get the most out of your Coinbase Pro-Tax, we recommend that you use this tool, which will generate a complete report of all transactions in both USD and BTC. It will also let you know what tax information needs to be filled out so that your accountant can prepare appropriate documents for 2018.
