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How to Spot Crypto Giveaways Scams so You Can Avoid Them.


How to Spot Crypto Giveaways Scams so You Can Avoid Them!

You’ve seen the ads for crypto giveaways, and are tempted to try your hand at winning free coins. But before you do, read this article to learn how to spot a scam crypto giveaway.

In the world of cryptocurrency, there are many scams and frauds. Some are easier to spot than others, though. Crypto giveaways scams can be found on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as in people's inboxes. It is important to know how these scams work so you can avoid them completely or at least make sure that your money isn't lost when participating in one of them!

Crypto giveaway scams are everywhere.

Crypto giveaway scams are everywhere. They're a big problem for people, and they can be dangerous if you don't know what to look out for.

If you go online, you'll find plenty of good things to read about cryptocurrencies—but all too often there are bad reviews that warn against investing in digital currencies at all costs. These reviews may be accurate; however, they're written by people who haven't been through the process themselves and may not have any idea how much risk exists in these investments. If you're considering making an investment into cryptocurrency—especially one that requires no upfront cost like Bitcoin or Ethereum—you should read more than just one review before making any decisions!

Don't fall for the 'too good to be true' claim.

  • Don't fall for the 'too good to be true' claim. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The best way to detect scams is by looking at the details of what's being offered and how much money will be earned or paid out in exchange for participating. If someone promises you that they'll give away millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency in exchange for little to no work on your part, then chances are this person is trying to steal from you!

If you see a cryptocurrency giveaway that requires you to post on social media or send emails, please be aware that this is likely a scam. These types of scams are often spread through fake accounts which use well-known figures or popular businesses as their profile pictures.

If it appears that a celebrity is giving away cryptocurrency, double check the source.

If it appears that a celebrity is giving away cryptocurrency, double check the source. Celebrities are often used by scammers to make their scams look more legitimate and they can't give away cryptocurrency, it is against the law.

If a website asks for your private keys, don't enter them. Cryptocurrency is fully secure and safe when stored on the right wallets.

Scammers can pose as charities.

  • If you see a charity asking for donations, check the charity's website first. If it does not have an easily accessible contact page or Facebook page, it's probably not legitimate.
  • If you are not sure if the charity is legitimate and want to ensure that your money goes towards a good cause, contact them directly by emailing them at and asking why they need donations from people like yourself—and remember that this can be done without giving any personal information!
  • If you are looking to donate, make sure that the charity is registered with the government. You can do this by searching for them on the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission website. This will provide you with all of the information you need to know about whether this charity is legitimate or not.

They can also pose as legitimate businesses or financial companies.

You may also see a scammer using the name of a legitimate business or financial company. The scammer may be using the name of a real company as part of their original offer and then changing it later on to make it seem more credible.

The same is true for logos and branding: If you see someone who claims to represent some kind of large financial institution, there's always a chance that they could be trying to pull off an elaborate scam involving cryptocurrency giveaways.

Be careful of social media posts that include links or other calls to action.

If you see a post on social media that includes links or other calls to action, be careful. You might be tempted to click on them and end up giving away your information or sending money to someone else.

If a post includes a link from an account that isn't verified, avoid clicking on it at all costs! This could be an indication that the person posting this has been hacked by scammers and their account has been compromised (or they're trying to trick people into sending them money).

Don't follow any links from verified profiles.

  • Now that you know what to look out for, let's talk about how to avoid these scams.
  • The first thing is don't click on any links from verified profiles. This includes celebrities and public figures as well as people you don't know and friends or family members with whom you've had no interaction before. The same goes for links from other social media accounts that aren't yours (Facebook, Twitter). You should also stay away from websites that have been hacked or compromised by cyber criminals in recent months due to their ability to track users' browsing history across the web using cookies and similar technologies—this includes Gmail accounts!
  • Finally: don't follow any links sent by other friends or family members (unless they're close enough friends).

Don't send any cryptocurrency as a result of messages claiming you won a prize or lottery.

  • Don't send any cryptocurrency as a result of messages claiming you won a prize or lottery.
  • If someone contacts you about sending them cryptocurrency, don't do it. This is especially true if they claim to be from your local government or financial institution (like PayPal). It's possible that this person may have legitimate intentions, but it's also possible they're trying to scam you out of your money by posing as someone else and using their authority as an excuse to get what they want from you.
  • You should also never trust anyone who asks for personal information like bank account numbers and passwords when contacting you via email or text message; the potential for identity theft is too high here!

They can even take the form of ads on legitimate sites like Google or Facebook.

You might be surprised to learn that the same tactics used to trick people into giving away their money can also be used on legitimate sites like Google and Facebook. For example, scammers might use an ad on one of these sites as a way to spread fake giveaways across the web.

They'll often claim that you have time to enter a contest or sweepstakes by clicking through their links—but they're really just trying to get your credit card information so they can charge it later! Don't do this! Don't fall for any offers that promise free cryptocurrency if you complete some tasks online; there's no such thing as free money in crypto these days.

Ponzi Schemes come in all shapes and sizes.

Ponzi schemes come in all shapes and sizes. You may have heard of the classic Ponzi scheme, which promises high returns to investors who buy into an investment opportunity. The classic example is Bernie Madoff's $65 million scam, where he lured investors with promises of guaranteed profits and then transferred their money out of the company into his own pockets.

There are also more recent scams like ICOs (initial coin offerings) where people can make money by buying tokens before they hit exchanges later on down the line. These are not illegal; however, if you participate in this kind of activity without doing your research first then there's a chance that some unscrupulous individuals might take advantage of your naivety by pretending they're giving away free coins instead!

It is best to avoid giveaways completely, but if you still want to participate there are ways to do it safely.

If you still want to participate in a giveaway, make sure it is from a trusted source. You can learn more about how to spot giveaways scams here.

If you do decide to take part in an exchange's giveaway and send any crypto by mistake, don't panic! There are ways for the exchange or service provider who sent your money back without their knowledge (or permission). For example, if someone offers an Instagram account for "free" and sends them some cryptocurrency as part of the deal, they'll need help with getting their funds back—which means contacting Instagram directly and asking them what happened with your account/wallet address after being scammed out of cryptocurrency!

There are also several places where people have reported feeling suspicious when they received requests from strangers asking them questions like "How many followers do I have?" In most cases these were actually advertisements disguised as legitimate ones; however sometimes these things happen organically so always be careful when interacting online!


We hope that this article has given you some clarity on how to spot crypto giveaways scams. As more people enter the cryptocurrency space and adopt new technologies, scams will continue to evolve and adapt in order to catch unsuspecting victims. There are many ways scammers can try to trick their prey out of their hard-earned money, so it's important for everyone who wants to participate in any form of giveaway event to do their research first.
